Johane Verdier

Claudiane Cloutier

Louise Aubertin

Louise Belle-Isle

Normand St-Vincent

Sylvie Roy

Alain Audet

Lise Marcotte

Jacques Charest

France Sénécal





Johane Verdier is an International Business and Life Coach with a PCC accreditation in the International Coaching Federation and is based in Hudson Qc. Trained in business administration and psychology; Johane holds a Business certificate and a Master's degree in psychology. She is a strategic business partner in Canada and France for Lumina Learning.

As founder of the training, coaching and consulting firm Corpovision 2000 and with more than 30 years of professional experience, Johane trains and coaches employees from all levels within many different organisations around the world. Johane promotes commitment in the learning process to ensure that individuals apply immediately in the organisation what they have learned and supports people to realise their full potential. She thoroughly makes sure she understands her clients' challenges before working with them to design and apply tailored, high impact and transformational programs.

Being a long term member of the Réseau des Femmes d'Affaires du Québec she also develops and delivers programs specifically dedicated to women Leadership to accompany them in their reflection about the way they can market themselves in the pursuit of their ambition.

She is assisted by a team of qualified partners in North America and Europe who help companies in a variety of sectors to identify, develop and implement solutions in organizational transformation and to revitalize performance-enhancement programs.